eMOTION Mission

Our mission is to make objective cognitive assessment testing convenient and widely available to people across the country.

The growing mental health crisis in America has disrupted the lives of countless families and torn at the fabric of our society. Mental health is a sensitive issue, often misunderstood, and can be difficult to deal with if not properly diagnosed and treated by a medical professional.

This is why eMOTION Cognitive Assessment Centers were created.

We’re committed to confronting this crisis by leading a national effort to promote greater awareness of mental disorders and increase the early detection of brain-related illnesses.

Working with healthcare providers across the country, we can begin to break down the stigma associated with mental illness and improve the quality of life of countless Americans.

Click Here to find an eMOTION Cognitive Assessment Center in your community.

Learn About eMOTION

Why Choose eMOTION

Cognitive Assessment

We believe that cognitive assessments should be a top priority for you, your family and your physician. That’s why we created eMOTION Cognitive Assessment Centers to be convenient walk-in clinics that are open to you and your family.

Our quick 20-minute assessments are non-invasive and easily performed in an office setting. Now patients of all ages can access this important cognitive assessment without the need for a physician’s referral.

The Gold Standard of Cognitive Testing

eMOTION Cognitive Assessment Centers provide a unique system specifically designed for the early detection of mental and cognitive issues including, Anxiety, Depression, ADD, ADHD, Dementia, Alzheimer’s and Traumatic Brain Injury.

Every center is equipped with our leading-edge brain scan technology, called NeuralScan. The scans are performed by physicians, nurse practitioners and technicians who are expertly trained to conduct our tests in a safe, confidential and professional environment.

Find a Center Near You

Finding one of our centers is easy, simply download the eMOTION Cognitive Centers app from your App Store, or just Click Here to find an eMOTION Cognitive Assessment Center in your community